Seek Ye The Truth
And The Truth Shall Set You Free
The "Authorized 1611 AD" King James Version of the Holy Bible:
Contains - )( The Word of God ~ Wisdom of The Ages )(
...66 Books - 1,189 chapters - 31,093 verses - 773,692 words
Comprised of 3,586,489 letters.
The word "Lord" occurs 7736 times
The word "God" occurs 4370 times
The word "love" occurs 310 times
There are 613 commandments...
According to our main sources, of these 613,
248 are mitzvot aseh ("positive commandments")
and 365 are mitzvot lo taaseh ("negative commandments").
It is notable that 365 is the number of days in a solar year
and 248 was at that time believed
to be the number of bones in the human body.
You do the math,
without adding to or taking away from ...
Justly dividing by: Truth
Shortest Verse is: John 11: 35
Longest Verse is: Esther 8: 9
Shortest Chapter is: Psalms 117:
Longest Chapter is: Psalms 119:
Middle Verse is: Psalms 118: 8
The Center falls between two words "The Lord"
Every Verse in Psalms 136: ~ has the same ending!
Scripture Difficulties